It's not that I couldn't come up with a pun on Misc: A Tiny Tale, it's just that I didn't want to. The game is one of the better games that has come through G.Round and I am very much happy to have played this demo. Great Environments, whimsical music and sound effects, fantastic narration, all of it makes Tinyware Games title a great way to end the year when it comes to reviews.
This game is beautifully designed. You play as Buddy, a mixed mashed pile of parts with springs in his feet and a lightbulb and propeller on his head. You and your friend are looking for adventure so decide to leave your village, which is amazingly portrayed using items you would find in some one's backyard. As you navigate this area, you can pick up bolts to use to buy items from a shop, like a safety pin, as a weapon. There are these golden cogs you got to find though, to use to get to the next map. So, as Buddy, you're doing small quests and jump puzzles to find these cogs to find more adventure. It's really a simple adventure game, but just done so well. On the level of cuteness, it gives me that Little Big Planet vibe. Buddy is basically Sack boy. The game also has that Mario 64 feeling when you are traversing the map and looking for puzzles to complete to move on. All of this was made fun thanks to the well-done graphics, lighting effects and pace of the game.
The character designs are well done. At one point you do a puzzle that is described to you by a raccoon made of parts. Your best friend is a robot named Bag Boy, who, well, has a brown paper bag with a smiley face on it as a head. This is of course followed with having a small talking cat on the top of his head. You meet a guy named Coke, who is just a coke can with a head, running around looking for energy snacks. This, plus more, just set a comfortable and relaxing vibe that you just can't help but saw "aww" too.
Combine all of this with an amazing soundtrack and sound effects and you get yourself a fun game that just feels like it should be on a console and then some. The soundtrack was fun. It fit perfectly and just set the mood. I loved it greatly and at one moment caught myself sitting there listening to it, not even moving the controller. It just "hit" just right. Listening to the characters interact and talk was fun. But it wasn't till after I finished chapter 1, and got that narrator speaking, that I really appreciated this artistically powerful game. The story the narrator told was just, FUN. It was done so well. Speaking as though he was speaking to a group of kids sitting around in awe, felt right. It felt good and wholesome. I found myself wanting to know more and learn what happens next in Buddy and Bag Boy's adventure.
Do I feel like this game can be a triple A title, no, no I don't? It's nothing against Tinyware at all. It's just that the game has a lot to go up against. But I will say this, if people don't play this game, I would be shocked. Once released, the game has the potential to get a decent following. I doubt the developers are aiming for triple A status, and they shouldn't, because that is a realm for those with more money, they know what to do with. But putting Misc: A Tiny Tale on steam and console gaming stores, will still produce some great feedback and praise from this awesome and fun game. This game gets an A in my book. As a gamer, that's all that matters.